Sunning Hill Primary School uses the Bolton Agreed syllabus 2020-2025 for RE to help all our pupils learn about a range of religions and non-religious world views.  We have thought carefully about where certain units should be placed within each key stage in order to meet the needs of our children.

Our high quality RE curriculum ensures that we promote the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of all children. It allows the children to develop their understanding of the world and helps them to communicate with the wider community. Through RE, pupils will be taught to develop knowledge and understanding of religions, develop an understanding of the influence of beliefs, values and traditions on individuals, communities, societies and cultures, respond to questions with reference to the teachings and practices of religions and reflect on their own beliefs, values and experiences. Parents have the legal right to withdraw their child from part of or the whole of the RE curriculum provided by the school. 

Our curriculum is the entire planned learning experience in its widest sense and meets the needs of every pupil.  We plan and deliver an engaging and challenging curriculum where learning is robust, transferable and children are encouraged to make connections between what they are taught and real life contexts. This includes lessons as well as learning that take place outside the classroom such as trips, visitors, events, extracurricular clubs and first hand experiences. This is particularly pertinent for our children as it ensures they leave Sunning Hill as well rounded individuals who can make a contribution to their own community and also the wider world.

Building a Bright Future Together